Thursday, August 20, 2009

That ugly, dirty feeling in your chest- Prototype

Ugh...I just beat Prototype. Ugh..I will like this game the more I think about it, but as it stands the controls were really really frustrating. I spent an hour in a boss fight. It's cool that you get mauled by forces actually trying to kill you rather than pretending to try to kill you for your sport, but then you need the powers to actually fucking kill a thing. The powers you get sound really cool, but then you have to use them. I spent most of the game looking for a tank to steal or a missile launcher to use because I really couldn't go toe-to-toe with...anything. Ok, I could take out zombies and civies just fine.
The game's concepts are really cool. The web of intrigue is neat as shit. The NPC voice acting is sweet. They cracked me up all the time. The military uses all these cool code phrases like calling an airstrike a rain-dance and telling RC (Red Crown) to make it wet. Burrrrrrrrrrahh!
A lot of this game is really good, but it's also a "sandbox" game. That part sucks. Besides story missions, there are a bunch of side missions like racing or killing or warring or consuming folk. This is basically what you do in the story missions. It also has little to nothing to do with the story itself. You just do 'em to get exp, and after a while exp is really useless. It unlocks cool gimmicky attacks, but it's a bunch of shit you don't need. Stats bonuses are the most useful.
The story itself is also really weak. It's like playing GTA3. There's little character-to-character interaction or character development. Most video sequences are just mission briefings with one little bit of interaction.
The buildings are also fucking ugly.
This game looks like it's development was pushed, like they had so much content already that they just shirked here and there. Otherwise...I wouldn't rent this game. I bought this game. I'm gonna go sell it to buy a soccer game. Gamestop is going to rip me off. This game frustrated me. I loved parts of it. I don't know. Don't play this game. Watch it on youtube. It'll be better than playing it. Or wait for the movie to come out and hope it's good. It'll probably be weird.

I was soooooo damn excited about this game...I hope the sequel's better.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nostalgia you sonuvhabeech

Jean-Claude Van Damme is awesome, particularly in Street Fighter: The Movie. Speaking of movies a week ago or so I went to see Moon. Now, the thing is I love a good old fashioned Sci-Fi movie. 2001, 2010, The Abyss, The Fountain, & Solaris among other films are movies where some really cool idea/story is being told where it doesn't use action as an excuse to submerge you in geeky stuff. That isn't to say I love my Aliens & Matrix and other action heavy sci-fi flicks, it is just nice to see something that doesn't shoehorn in action for the sake of entertaining those who need it. So I was pretty pumped to see Moon cause it had plenty of 2001/Solaris vibes in terms of atmosphere and feel, the viewing was disappointing to say the least. This is one of those situations where the trailers make it seem a lot more interesting and cooler than what it was. I almost feel bad that for once I had expectations for a movie because I've grown up on sci-fi flicks. To summarize it in not as many words, it is an above average movie that I felt really let me down in the direction it goes. This is primarily because I didn't think it really did anything with what it had.

So yeah movies are good times. The nostalgia I am referring to is FF7. Last week my former roommate from VT came up to visit. Since he hadn't been in the D.C. area in quite some time we went to some of the museums during the day. After the long day out when we got back we plopped down to relax and he bust out his laptop and started some FF7. My memories of the game immediately hit me like a freight train and I had a huge urge to play the game. The immediate problem stopping me was that I wished I could just continue playing it on my PS3 instead of using my PS or PS2, the lack of memory card ports on the PS3 made me sad. Nostalgia screamed "find a way" and I immediately ordered a memory card adapter as well as an 8GB memory stick duo. Why is it that I ordered a large memory stick duo? Why to purchase the game yet again off the PSN in order to play it on the go on my PSP and I only had a 1GB duo stick currently (the game needing 1.4 GB or so). I had been told "but why not use the remote play feature of your PS3?" and while that is a great feature which I will use for other games, playing a multi-disc game that way would just not workout. Now I am about ready to get down with my blast from the past and finally beat Emerald and Ruby weapons (the last save I was working on had maxed the clock out at 99:59:59, I have 3 master magic materias from mastering them all 3 times around, and had all my summons maxed save for Knights of the Round which was level 4 aka too much time has been spent in that game).

Also due to the incredibly huge itch for FF7, despite the fact that I still maintain the plot is not that good, I picked up Crisis Core cause I wanna know more of the back-story. My zeal has been slightly derailed since while waiting for my memory card adapter I had started playing FFTactics PSP again (1 class away for Ramza and a few more for my other chars for all mastered classes before I continue on to Riovanes Castle). Games from the 90s/early 2000s were so rad, gotta love the great feeling of playing games you've grown up with.

Despite all the delays for some titles what kinda games are you all looking forward to in this fall lineup? I am extremely pumped for Demon's Souls, Disgaea 2 PSP port, and the Persona remake on PSP for my RPG fix. I can't wait for Muramasa, Brutal Legend (Tim Schafer is wonderful), & bayonetta (I think this got pushed back) and I am curious about Wet and Shadow Complex. I can't think of any others since I can never keep tabs on all the stuff that is coming out.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Remembering that dumb feeling - Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Monkey Island, Sam & Max Hit the Road, grim Fandango, etc. etc.

Remember when you were a kid and played video games? Remember how you could get to one part of a game and then you got stuck, had to start the whole game over to actually play because you hit some speedbump that was impassible without your big brother's help.

One year, my neighbor got me a game genie for my birthday. Nice fucking kid! So much easier to beat games then.

So, you get what I'm talking about, right? Sometimes you just gotta reach for the goddamn strategy guide because whatever the game's trying to make you do 't aint natural.

I'm not good at older games. I guess a lot of people aren't because they were more difficult. I blame a lot of my weakness on the fact that controls used to suck. Suck out the fucking ass suck.

Example of an older game's controls-
A- Shoot
B- Jump
D-pad is d-pad

You can jump. You can shoot. Forget dodging like a human might dream of. It's like comparing old Resident Evil with new Resident Evil. Some sort of fear is lost in the fact that the old controls were shit and hard to use and now shit's a lot easier to control.

However, that isn't my problem (damn, when am I ever going to get to the point?). My problem is that older games tend to make me feel just downright stupid. Like in Jak & Daxter where I just don't seem able to do certain things. I kind of remember why I hated these zeldaesque games. Because when presented with some challenge it's hard to know whether you're even capable yet of completing said challenge. Maybe you have to come back later with the Big, Black Dildo of Comeuppance to slap that bitch so she'll drop the Platinum Filling of Herpes out of her mouth. Fuck if I know.

I play this game and I die so often I've started to expect to do it when I enter any room in the game. Every step is a recon mission for my next turn at life.

So, I feel dumb.

Ratchet & Clank's shoot-em-up and jump style was more to my liking. I'm proud to say that I beat three of those games in the course of a week, and I only stopped beating 'em because the other ones cost money. Three more plus some PSP titles and I'll have played them all. Ratchet & Clanks are best at humor and weapons and leveling up said weapons.

Jak & Daxter is best at making me feel dumb and telling myself, "This happens to a lot of gamers."

I felt the same kinda way about Monkey Island and a lot of the other old adventure games. I hit speed bumps and then I got out a strategy guide because I knew I wasn't smart enough. Or maybe I'm just holding myself back. Maybe I am smart enough, I just don't want to admit it or spend the time to find out.

Jak & Daxter frustrates me with its difficulty. I'm serious. I find it harder than Ninja gaiden! If you've beaten these games, laugh at me. Some 8-year-old could tell me off and all I could say in return is "I have sex with women."

LyBel Johnson

p.s.(My brother's band's name is Libel. He's on myspace!)
p.s.s. I still remember some HTML!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My appreciation of the PS3 continues

Lately I have been addicted, yet again, to some good old Diablo 2. Even though I am weaning myself off of the blast-from-the-past I still do my fair share of random countess/chaos/baal/andy/pit runs. I have been trading off attention to my handhelds, I imagine it would be similar to entertaining two children with equal attention (heh I wouldn't know). On the PSP has been a lovely classic JRPG experience with Crimson Gem Saga, lots of fun with this one so far. On the DS I have had a great time with SMT: Devil Survivor which is enjoyable but some magic from the console SMT titles is missing I feel. That shouldn't be a mark against SMT: Devil Survivor though since it is still a great game that has a complex and gratifying combat system (strat rpg/standard turn based rpg hybrid). That being said I have been giving my consoles a bit of the cold shoulder. Getting back into the groove this past weekend I started the PS3 up.

Yesterday I picked up Fat Princess which is loaded with fun. I felt a bit detached from the gameplay since I am lacking a headset to coordinate but that was minor. I enjoyed most of my time playing the game as a worker or archer class. Charging up arrows and letting loose was great while dancing about avoiding getting hit. Gathering resources and reinforcing the defenses was also rather entertaining. One problem I noticed was the great amount of time spent on trying to find/connect to games. At first I was curious if it was my problem but I have just recently been upgraded to a FiOS connection so that was unlikely. Destructoid says that Sony will be working on it. I look forward to that being a little more smooth.

I have also played a good amount of Savage Moon which is a terrific TD game that I got while it was on sale for $5 on PSN. It is very challenging, I am not used to my cattle fighting back while herding them in a TD.

Finally I have played a large amount of Wipeout HD this weekend. I grabbed the new Fury DLC which practically doubled the amount of content in the game. While I had dabbled in the title a little when I had gotten it during the previously mentioned PSN sale for a great price of $14.99 (the DLC was $9.99 which is great considering what you get) I finally sunk my teeth into it this weekend. All I can say is WOW, this is one of the best downloadable titles I have played on a console yet. That statement is taking into consideration Castle Crashers, Braid, Ikaruga port, Rez HD, Geometry Wars 2, Pixel Junk Eden, and what have you. I think it's the fact that I already enjoyed Wipeout Pulse as my entertainment for most of the flight to and from Japan, now that I can have the same experience at 1080p with 60fps and blasting music/sfx it floors me. As an additional icing on the cake they have a photo mode. I never figured I would enjoy this since it didn't seem like much on the PSP iteration, my god it is different on the PS3. The options you have and the kinds of pictures you can get out of the game just leave my jaw on the floor. I'll just let the pictures do the talking. Lighting... textures... I am just amazed.