Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cat Shit One Movie Trailer - The Animated Series


From Hotdogday

"Studio Anima has announced its development of a 12 episode full CG anime adaptation of Motofumi Kobayashis 1998 manga series Cat Shit One. The anime series updates the setting of the original manga from the Vietnam War to modern military conflicts and updates the protagonist rabbits from US soldiers to employees of a private military company. The series is designed as a serious and realistic modern war drama that happens to star cute and fluffy animals."


Saturday, March 28, 2009

gaming memories

Well, this could be like a segment.

In Bloodrayne 2, your health and shit upgraded when you did the most nastiest of things to the baddies. I didn't know this until I had Rayne sliding down a pole, saying, "Oh, I could go all night."

It gave me a wide grin.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ya hear me talkin to ya?

Plugging our own uploaded videos. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.

I'M BACK... but for how long??? (AND A NEW SEGMENT)

Yes, I DO still exist and I AM still a part of this blog. Every time I make a post, it seems like there is a promise that I will contribute much much more... and it never happens.

RANDOM SIDE NOTE: onlinebootycall.com is an absurd concept... makes sense I guess?

Anyways, I won't make any promises that there will be more posts by yours truly. Especially because I just can't take lying to you, the good people who read this, anymore. But I REALLY do want to post more. Maybe a little encouragement would help?... maybe?

As always, I digress. This post serves one purpose: the introduction of a new "segment" to the MS(g)B Centerstage Universe. I have a roommate who seems to have split personalities. Normally, he is a model citizen with an outstanding permanent record. But every so often, he becomes something else... something OFL (pronounced: awful). No one quite knows what causes the change, but what we can be sure of is OFL's honesty is brutal and his insight to the world of gaming is frighteningly accurate.

So without further adieu (I love colloquial language) let me present to you OFL's REVIEW OF... Flower:

"This is like way better than Wii right here."

I promise that I'll do my best to keep this thing running as long as possible. Potential next review from OFL? Little Big Planet of course. Stay tuned.

-JFuK wishes he was JCVD

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bullshit! - Not the Penn and Teller kind

-Tired of RE5 racism debate. The tribal costume for Sheva is iffy. Chris saying, "There's no humanity here" in that trailer is also iffy. Africa is a sensitive place. Everybody's interested in it these days. The 24 season is also in Africa. Is RE5 racist? Well then, don't play it.

-Scored grim fandango. It's sweet. The dude was doing some sweet stuff when he made that game. When I play it, I keep thinking "That's the second-biggest monkey head I've ever seen" from Monkey Island. I go cackle cackle cackle. Thx JFu.

-Little Big Planet is sweet for being a game that anybody can pick up and enjoy and a game that people who play games a lot can enjoy too. Sweet soundtrack. Sweet level design. Sweet thinking that went into that shit (THE BOSS FIgHTS ARE SO COOL!). Sweet multiplayer. Sweet user-generated content.

-Old Street fighter is very ugly. HD Remix did more than I realized. New Street Fighter very not ugly, but I still find it clumsy.

-RE5 is very very good from what JFu and I played so far. Funny that 24's in Africa too and the offline co-op looks like 24 when they show different characters doing shit at the same time.

-I feel like I should go beat Dead Space on Impossible difficulty to prove how easy that game is. Also, I'm a dick.

-We like the Wire. I started watching Underbelly, which is supposed to be Australia's The Wire. In terms of camera-work, it's very UK. What does that mean? Watch a UK show. You'll see. Characters are deep, but they have a tendency to only focus on one character per episode. This means the pacing is kind of odd. There were a lot of quick cuts of the same person but at later times of the day. That always throws me off. I'm of the opinion that if you're only following one character, keep following that character. Don't cut to a radically different setting because I keep thinking you're going to show another character with another storyline. Still, it's an interesting story. There's a narrator and at one point she says, "And that's what started the gangland wars that were to last over 9 years and cause over 30 murders." I wanted to laugh because there's at least 30 murders in season 1 of the Wire alone. Season 4 has over 200. The difference is Underbelly is more closely tied to real events (as far as I know...). The other difference is that criminal characters in Underbelly tend to have wives and children and live in nice suburban homes. These areas are much more transparent than the streets of Baltimore, and the Australian government probably has much more adequate funds to deal with the nuisance.

-MS(g)B Productions released a short. I haven't told JFu about this yet, but I did want to do a FAQ on it, but wanted his help to write it. Please ignore the continuity error of penis size. You may notice the first time I showed my cheesy-Nectar-drenched penis I was a little shy and it appeared smaller than actual. The second time I bare my penis is...more accurate. Two people gave us 5 stars! THX, YO!

-Something else I wanted to say

Lyndon Blah-blah-blah-blah-blase Johnson

Monday, March 9, 2009

Yah- Here is your weekly post - Yah

Weekly Post! Weekly Post!

LyBoJo has yet to finish Z.o.E. 2, but he got money so he wasted it on the first and second Ratchet & Clank games, and boy, are they fun! Well, the first one is. LBJ hasn't hit the second one quite yet because he's too busy playing Samurai Warriors 2, which he also bought. Isn't it great how cheap PS2 games are these days?

Samurai Warriors 2 is the best goddamn game in the series, and I've played just about every game (minus the expansion packs) in the series. It's the most intuitive. The character development is challenging, but not too hard. The stages in the game still require you to be in fifty places at once, but horses are a lot easier to get, which makes things much easier.

And the stories are sweet. The writing is weird at times (sometimes characters respond to each other by talking about a completely different topic), but the stories themselves are Hollywood-worthy. Each one could be a movie, but even better, you as the player get to play each story from every perspective. In one story, you kill your lord. By playing with a different character, you stop the guy who would kill the lord. Then you can play the lord and suffer the betrayal. Over time, I've started to feel really touched by what's going on even though I'm button-mashing while doing it. I was killing peasants out of duty to my lord, but thinking, "I really don't want to do this, but to unite Japan, I must!" Samurai Warriors 2 shows an era of warring states that was full of tragedy and pointless conflict and people with deep inner and outer conflicts. It's also fun to be a fucking badass.

I really really like the game.

I had a revelation where I may have finally admitted that I don't like fighting games or that my expectations for a fighting game are too high. I keep thinking of a fluid, almost choreographed scene of fighting and either that doesn't exist at my skill level or it doesn't exist. They're also repetitive as hell.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Rent Only

This guy who recently bought a PS3 is asking me, "What are the good games to buy," so of course, I respond with...

Well...I said, "I think there are a lot of games worth renting, but not worth buying."

That comment deserves a few qualifications

1. I have enough shit in my house
A gamecase takes up space in a house that isn't mine. Oh, yeah, I guess I should mention where blogging has got me, a bedroom in my mom's basement.

2. I beat games fairly quickly
I marathon to the end and then tend not to feel any particular attachment to it. Dead Space is the exception, but I bought that game when I didn't have the money to buy that game and that always makes a thing more important that it should be.

3. I don't do multiplayer
I don't really have the friends or roommmates around to play split-screen, and I'm a shy online gamer, so I don't have a lot of PS Network friends. Also, there haven't been a lot of multiplayer modes or whatever in games I've played recently that were all that appealing. I like Warhawk. The SF4 multiplayer thing is cool, but the game itself is frustrating, so what's the point there?

So, there. Why own when you can rent? I feel this way about homes too. I make these statements in hope of consensus or controversy.

-LBJ paying the landlord in da white house