You know when you're smoking with a dude and he won't fucking shut up about the weed? I smoke to get somewhere. I don't smoke because it's an art or some shit. Shut the fuck up about the weed. I would smoke skunk weed if that's what this was because I like to smoke. You're treating smoking like it's a magazine should be written about it.
Yeah, there is a magazine isn't there? Ugh. See that's why I like to smoke with junkies. They know what the weed's there for.
This is kind of awkward given that this is a videogame blog, but I just had a pretty lame conversation about video games. I've got a friend who asks questions whose answers he doesn't really care about, he just wants to have some conversation. I guess that's cool. He asked me a series of questions while I was playing Fallout. Some of the ways I've answered here, I didn't answer then because it would be dickish.
What are you playing?
Fallout 3
Can I watch?
Sure, I mean I'm not really doing anything interesting. I walk to locations in D.C., kill people, go to towns, talk to people, do quests. I basically just try to do good things in a hard world. It's like I live here.
What level are you on? character is level 15 out of 20.
No, like where are you in the story?
Well, I'm in the Capital Wasteland.
No, I mean like how far are you in?
Like ten hours in maybe. I haven't been counting.
Is there a story?
Yeah, but...I dunno...I'm more interested in what I'm doing now. If this game is anything like the last two games, they'll come a point where I have to finish the story to keep playing. I'm doing what I want until then.
Are there any cool bosses?
Umm...I fought a really huge super mutant, but I don't think that was a boss per se.
Can you show me a cool cutscene?
All the cutscenes seem to be in-game.
But I bet there's a good one at the end, right?
Maybe, but I don't know what the need would be for it.
What's the background?
China & the US fought some pointless war which ended up with the bomb being dropped. I don't like that though. It's putting present prejudices into the future. The first two games didn't really point a figure at anybody. Humanity caused the great war over some stupid shit. I don't really remember actually. I should replay them.
So, China is the bad guy?
Well, there are Chinese people who attack you, but there aren't really bad guys.
Why are those things red?
It means those belong to other people, and taking them counts as stealing.
So, why don't you take 'em anyway?
That would make me a bad person.
Like a bad-guy?
Sort of. You do bad things, people tend to react unfavorably to you. I like doing good things to make people nicer.
So, there are people who do bad things then?
Yeah, but it's not like they're one organization I'm fighting. I might not be a fan of the Commonwealth, but I don't know a lot about them.
You're good, so why did you just kill that guy?
One of the security guys said I could.
Isn't that a bad thing?
Well, the town doesn't think he's a good person, and kind of wishes he wasn't around. So it's bad that I killed him, sure, it's murder, but no one's really gonna miss the guy. It's kind of a great point of moral relativism.
Are you trying to get all the trophies?'m kind of just trying to enjoy myself
Are you at a good stopping point?
I just sold off the inventory I got from scavenging the capital building. The lady just gave me a new quest to check out the robot production company called RobCo. That looks really interesting. I was gonna head out there after I sell out all the special items I've been collecting for people.
Do you think this game is going to win for best graphics of the year?
No, I think Metal Gear Solid will win.
I don't know.
What do you think is going to get best game of the year?
According to who?
Just the best game of the year?
It was kind of a slow year.
What was your favorite?
I really liked Dead Space. I also like Fallout 3. I haven't played Resistance yet, but I'm interested in it too.
Which was the best?
What the fuck does it matter? They were good. I played them this year, but I could play them next year and still think they were good. What is this "of the year" bullshit?
What do you think of Animal Crossing?
I don't know what that is.
Do you think Killzone2 going to be a Halo-killer?
Do I think gritty realism and really tight game design is going to beat a well-established game? No. It's like saying will Killzone2 kill Goldeneye 007. If anything, Call of Duty 4 should have killed Halo.
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