Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'M BACK... but for how long??? (AND A NEW SEGMENT)

Yes, I DO still exist and I AM still a part of this blog. Every time I make a post, it seems like there is a promise that I will contribute much much more... and it never happens.

RANDOM SIDE NOTE: is an absurd concept... makes sense I guess?

Anyways, I won't make any promises that there will be more posts by yours truly. Especially because I just can't take lying to you, the good people who read this, anymore. But I REALLY do want to post more. Maybe a little encouragement would help?... maybe?

As always, I digress. This post serves one purpose: the introduction of a new "segment" to the MS(g)B Centerstage Universe. I have a roommate who seems to have split personalities. Normally, he is a model citizen with an outstanding permanent record. But every so often, he becomes something else... something OFL (pronounced: awful). No one quite knows what causes the change, but what we can be sure of is OFL's honesty is brutal and his insight to the world of gaming is frighteningly accurate.

So without further adieu (I love colloquial language) let me present to you OFL's REVIEW OF... Flower:

"This is like way better than Wii right here."

I promise that I'll do my best to keep this thing running as long as possible. Potential next review from OFL? Little Big Planet of course. Stay tuned.

-JFuK wishes he was JCVD

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