Friday, February 29, 2008

This is what we call filler...

In a desparate attempt to push the Jaffe videos down so you can see all our beautiful links... I'm posting filler. How to pass the time posting? It should stay gaming don't you think? Maybe pictures would work... this one is pretty cool.

I love bioshock... and I haven't even played it.

What else? What else? If I had to make a list of the top five games of all time (in my opinion) Resident Evil 4 would probably be up there... and Metal Gear Solid would be number 1. I'm a sucker for Hideo Kojima. I also really dig Suda 51, Jaffe, Miyamoto (the Christ of Video Games), and countless others that I can't think of. I also understand that they'd be nowhere without their teams so I really like those guys and gals too.

Let's see if this did it...

Looks like I need a little more space. How about another picture.


David Jaffe is a really cool guy.

For some reason the movies take up the entire page... but JFU thinks it's worth it... HA HA third person pretension...

Monday, February 25, 2008




Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fuck you fox news...

While not the best title, it sure is a good attention getter. I know I said I'd cut back on link posting but I just had to share this one from Kotaku:

Gamer risks death to save nephew

This is a touching article well worth the read (I actually got choked up). And like they mention, with all the negative attention gaming has gotten lately, it's really nice to see something positive for a change. Fuck you fox news for your smear campaign against gamers. Even though you may not think so, we aren't the degenerates you make us out to be.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Warhawk + MMO Action games - Tips and Tricks Too!

Yeah, so when me and the boys in my room: Augusto (nick) & Chirs (or CMC) started playing this game we were balls-ass pathetic. If we got into a plane (a.k.a. choppers or birds), we'd get shot down. If we got into a tank, we'd be up to our neck in mines (otherwise known as clams), grenades, and combat knives (aka machetes or chop-chops). Chirs' favorite strategy used to be to stand on top of a tank with the chop-chop out when someone was in it driving around and wait for the dude in the tank to get annoyed and come out of the vehicle: Boom! You got chop-chopped! It only really worked once.
In this week, we've randomly gotten better at Warhawk. It's bizarre. One day, it was really hard, and then the next day we was killing lots of folk. I've learned a bunch of random things that make big differences. Strange. Also, it's not always our fault. Sometime it's the unevenness of teams. If your team aint doing shit, there's no way to win or even do that great. One game though, me and the roommates walked in and closed a 7 flag spread, and ended up winning the game.
This game, Warhawk is fucking tough. Recently we've been able to do things like ram 4X4 (aka Jeeps) into planes and tanks to see if they do damage, tag all turrets with clams, fly flag-carriers back to base while they sat on the wing (because flag-carriers mostly will not be able to fly planes when they have the flag, which is hella dangerous and hard and Augusto can not do it for shit), but I just spent three hours of precious homework time trying to get one stupid ribbon: the dreaded Warhawk Recruiting.
That's right. The game take time. 30 mins per round, and your average round will get you, depending on your skill, anywhere from 50 to 300 points usually. If you're playing Team Deathmatch or deathmatch, you'll get less points because team points are where it's at. Killing someone usually only gets you one or two points, and is usually much harder than activities like securing bases or worth less than the 25 points earned for taking the flag. Also, a lot of these objectives can be achieved concurrently, so you fight to gain a base and you get extra points by doing so.
Leveling-up doesn't actually get you anything though but, for me at least, a boost in bragging rights (it feels like you just got twelve A's on a test or your professor invited you to do a research project with them) and different hats for your characters. For a long time I thought that like Call of Duty or Battlefield, ranking would get you different weapons, but I was wrong. The game's skill set required is so varied (surviving and taking advantage of an individual situation could be handled in a myriad of ways) that ranking up usually means you're just naturally better than the other guy or girl. Of course, there are exceptions.
One of the weird parts of this game to me is the fact that everyone playing it who uses the bluetooth headset is either southern or an 8 year old boy. One time that boy would not shut up so when a teammate essentially locked him into his plane, the boy kept shouting "let me out, let me out." The teammate, who I deeply respect, promptly suicided in the plane.

Praise be to "Jedi-Samurai" for adding me as his friend. You have the same logo as the John Fu. Fight for honor! [this part omitted due to Blogger's inability to support Japanese text]

More later, I got a headache like you wouldn't believe. My whole campus is getting teh flu.

Other good stories:
I was shooting at this jeep in front of a wall, and the guy in the jeep decided the best way to kill me was to run me down, so he came at me, and I stood my ground hoping I could blow him up in time, but I didn't so at the last second I jumped and actually made it over the jeep, he crashed full-speed into the wall and died.

In a similar vein, one of my roommates was being a dick and driving at the other one but at the last second the one on the ground jumped causing the one in the jeep to go past and actually kill an enemy.

One round, there was this asshole who wouldn't stop team-killing, but he made the mistake of team-killing me, and I hold a fucking grudge. You kill me on my team, you had better have a good reason or I will hunt you (this statement not meant to be threatening). So here's this guy who not only starts killing me back but also my roommates (their usernames are the same as mine since we all play on the same PS3) which makes my roommates mad. I gotta admit he was a fucking good team-killer though. Somehow he mastered the physics of the game so that he would wait on the side of this bridge for any one of us to go past, and then fly at us at top-speed, thereby sending us flying over the edge, and it didn't even hurt his score. But anyway, one time I was in a tank, and he was just hovering over me, and I'm screaming, "YOU'RE TAKING THE GODDAMN PISS! YOU'RE TAKING THE FUCKING PISS, ASSHOLE!" because anyone standing over me with a plane makes me nervous, especially when I've got the flag. So, I sit there waiting for him to jog on or something, but he just stays there, and I stay there, and finally I just shoot him and laugh and laugh. Goodtimes, Cryo3353 whatever. If I see you, I kill you. Them's the breaks. He eventually kicked us from the server. What a dick.

Another time I was being a dick and jumped on a teammate's car and started shooting at him with a pistol, so he drove us both off the side of a cliff. I love you teammate. You're just like me.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

HD-DVD IS DEAD (and fresh new faces)

No R.I.P. or words of condolence because HD-DVD was a pest that deserved to be put in the ground. From day one it served no other purpose than to confuse the uninformed consumer (because anyone who knows blu-ray knows it's better in just about every way). I'll admit I am sort of a Sony fanboy... at least in the current console "war." So, it's really nice to see Sony making a good decision for once... yes they have made some very stupid and cocky ones this new generation of consoles. Backing blu-ray is, in my opinion, the best thing Sony could have done to push the PS3 forward. Hooray Blu-ray, hooray Beer... I mean Sony.

The final nail in the coffin was Toshiba dropping HD-DVD support. WATCHAAA. Take that Xbox! Check it out at any reputable gaming news thingymajig

Also, I really need to apologize because I should have done this much sooner. Let me introduce the newest addition to MS(g)B center stage: Virginia. She is a mysterious figure which modern science knows little to nothing about. It is theorized that she feeds on games to survive and we will soon find out if that holds true. Everyone who reads this (all two of you) give her a warm welcome or you will be stricken down. We know where you sleep.

~JohnFu up in this MS(g)B

HAHA! I can edit your posts! 

-Li Bel Johnson 

P.S. I'm not very good with introductions, sorry Va.

P.S.S. I love Nintendo

Friday, February 15, 2008

31Knots - Beauty

These guys also make fucking weird videos. It's the lead singer's fault. Someone commented that this is a critique on the indie fashion scene...? I think it was just low budget. 

Thursday, February 14, 2008

31 KNOTS - Darling, I

This is one of my favorite bands. I mean you gotta love a guy who can play a complicated solo while hopping on one foot (not pictured here) and a bassist who is a giant relative to his instrument. They're also tight as hell in concert and on record. Almost as tight as:

PS3 vs. Wii

G4 had this to say

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Comics Overwhelm me

At $30 a pop, comics aint cheap, and following series can be really costly, it looks. Also, you can't trust a series to be very good all the times, so you gotta start following authors. I think John FU realized this a while ago, but it's only taken me the past couple of weeks to even begin to realize it, so my favorite authors at this point are the following:

-Mike Carey (Lucifer, a run on Constantine: Hellblazer, plus several other things I haven't read yet)
-Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets, A short Constantine, and some Superman, I've heard)
-Brain K. Vaughn (A real up-and-comer this one, similar in writing style to Joss Whedon, which means several of his characters always talk the same, not the best or most realistic, but tells a good, funny story, and of Y: The Last Man, Pride of Baghdad, and Runaways fame)
-Alan Moore ( is really good, a little talky and abstract, but really damn good, and if you don't know what he's famous for, shame on you)
-Jamie Delano (started the Constantine spin off, I think, and really made the character. Constantine's changed since then, less guilty, more dirty, gangster Brittish sometimes, less angry at the tories, which is good because a lot of his political talk is entirely rhetoric-based, and he did Outlaw Nation, which I think I need to read again)

Them's the breaks on what L B Johnson has to say on them Comic fellers, which is always open for reassesment. Turns out the old Lyndon B. Johnson was a big southern bird, and several times during the talks on Vietnam mocked critics of the war in his cabinet pretty harshly. The one I know is, "Well, if it isn't Mr. Stop-the-bombing?"

My Sez (g)rinB in the new